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laravel Basic Validation Example

Hii guys, In this artical, i will give you example of laravel Basic Validation Example. Laravel ships with a simple, convenient facility for validating data and retrieving validation error messages via the Validation class. Basic Validation Example $validator = Validator::make( array('name' => 'Dayle'), array('name' => 'required|min:5') ); The first argument passed to the make method is the data under validation. The second argument is the validation rules that should be applied to the data. It will help you...

Laravel 6 validation required if another field is empty

Hii guys, In this artical, i will give you example of laravel 6 in validation required if another field is empty. We know laravel provide several in-built laravel 6 validation required_without . If you need to add validation rules like required if other field is empty in laravel then you can do it using required_without. I am going to explain you, If you can not enter test (field) value at that time test1 (field) is required. So at that time you can add validation required_without. So, you can use this way: "test1" =>"required_without:test" Example: public function store(Request $request) { $request->validate([ "test" =>"required", "test1" =>"required_without:test" ]); dd("Done!"); } If return validation error otherwise show Done!. It will help you...

How To Get .env Variable In Laravel 6 ?

Hii guys, In this artical, i will give you simple example how to get config variable (env variable) in view file laravel 6. we can get env variable value in controller . we can simple print env file variable by using env() helper. My .env Fille APP_NAME=Laravel APP_ENV=local APP_KEY=base64:BZB0totgY9KtJNqH3+IPtgpdyl8mU33767Oslp8D+Sk= APP_DEBUG=true APP_URL=http://localhost LOG_CHANNEL=stack DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=king_news DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD= .... Example public function index() { $value = env("DB_DATABASE"); dd($value); } Out Put "king_news" You can simple get env file value like this way. It will help you...

How to check File exist in Folder or Not in Laravel 6 ?

In this article, I will show you how to check file in folder exists or not.if you required to check if file is exists or not in given path then you can check easily. Normally we always need to check file exists. In this example you can use File object. Solution 1 for Laravel First you can create folder thneafter you can create file in this folder. public function index() { if (File::exists(public_path('img/dummy.jpg'))) { dd('File is Exists'); }else{ dd('File is Not Exists'); } } If return File is Exists file available or file is not exists file is not available. In this example you can use Storage object. Solution 2 for Laravel First you can create folder thneafter you can create file in this folder. public function index() { if (Storage::exists(public_path('img/dummy.jpg'))) { dd('File is Exists'); }else{ dd('File is Not Exists'); } } If return File is Exists file available or fil...