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Showing posts with the label laravel routes register

Laravel Disable Register URL Example

Laravel Disable Register URL Example Hi Guys Today, I will learn to how to disable registration route in laravel. We can also register remove Authentication Routes from route file.i will disable register create custom route in laravel. We will used register for default Auth::routes() in my web.php file. I Will used to auth remove register routes from route can easy to disable register. Here the following example of disable register Example: 1 Now this example in register false for add in auth route in create in web.php('routes/web.php') file. following path:/routes/web.php Auth::routes(['register' => false]); Example: 2 Here this example in register disable for add in custom route in create in web.php('routes/web.php') file. following path:/routes/web.php // Authentication Routes... Route::get('login', 'Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm')->name('login'); Route::post('login', 'Auth\LoginController@login'