Hi Dev, In this example, I will explain you how to use toggle switch button in vue js. wr will show example of toggle switch button in vue js.we will use vue-js-toggle-button npm package for bootstrap toggle button example. vue cli toggle button is a simple, pretty and customizable. vue-js-toggle-button provide way to change label and make it default checked. you can also customize several option like value, sync, speed, color, disabled, cssColor, labels, switchColor, width, height, name and with change event. below i will give you simple example from starch so, you can see full example use it in your app. Step 1: Create Vue JS App Now this step, we need to create vue cli app using bellow command: vue create myAppSwitch Step 2: Install vue-js-toggle-button package below we need to install vue-js-toggle-button npm package for toggle switch. npm install vue-js-toggle-button --save Step 3: Use vue-js-toggle-button In this step, We need to use vue-js-toggle-button package in main.js ...