Laravel 8 Toastr Notifications using yoeunes/toastr package Example Hi Guys Today, I will learn with you how to install and use toastr notifications using yoeunes/toastr package in laravel application.we will use yoeunes/toastr package.we will write step be step tutorial for laravel toastr notifications. Toastr notifications yoeunes/toastr package provides warning,success,error and info notifications.You have to just follow few step for implement toastr notifications in your laravel application. In this example i give you example from scratch. So just follow bellow step. Step 1: Install yoeunes/toastr package We need to install yoeunes/toastr composer package for datatable, so you can install using following command: composer require yoeunes/toastr After that you need to set providers and alias. config/app.php 'providers' => [ ... Yoeunes\Toastr\ToastrServiceProvider::class ... ]; As optional if you want to modify the default configuration, you can publish...